Natural therapy, Sárvár 3 clinic (3 Naturopathic doctor, 3 Acupuncturist, 3 Homeopathic doctor, 3 Kinesiologist)
Description, questionsMagnetic, Bemerterápia, Sárvár
The treatment is ideal to achieve and maintain health and vitality, as well as states and is useful for a variety of disorders associated with pain as well. The electromagnetic mechanism of action: In the electromagnetic treatments be used for filling the molecular systems, receiving structures such that the energy induced by the change of the electron orbitals.
Foot Massage, Reflexology, Sárvár
Few people know, but the disease can be treated with a lot of foot massage. Because the nerve supply base is very rich, with more than 70,000 nerve endings. Therefore suited to deal with the whole body through it. Every body has a way of healing and exact location refelxológiában.